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Twitter the Sierra Leone Gossip (02/03/20)


So now, Queen Fatima has Principal as husband in true Catholic tradition. The Archbishop of Freetown himself performed the ceremony. We pray they stay together with God’s blessings.

At different points since news of the wedding broke social media activity created the impression there was nothing else happening in Sierra Leone but Principal’s wedding to Queen Fatima. It was overwhelming at times but here we are after the wedding and people are going about their businesses while the couple settles into their new life.

In fact, a day after the wedding, Principal was out at the stadium on an official assignment conferring degrees in the University of Sierra Leone. So again, zero HONEYMOON. Many people were very surprised that he turned up for that at all. He probably wanted to drill it home that, as the Catholic Church said this was only a private occasion to meet the requirements of the church since Principal is a Catholic. What’s the next issue now for social media with this wedding done?

1. Well, we have to say that for those Sierra Leoneans that refused to throw this whole affair into the political arena, the game is over and spectators have left the field. For those who believe there is a political goal to score, the ball is still rolling. They have to look for thirty-five thousand spectators to pack the national stadium. So far the numbers are poor.

2. Even the Man of God has not been spared vitriolic ad hominen attacks by those who believe he took the wind out of their collective political sail. All we can say is that we live in a country where truth telling can be very expensive. Catholic priests are no strangers to that.

3. The alleged call for Bishop Tamba Charles to be investigated is a lie so black that even those peddling it ought to be ashamed of themselves.

4. We have an idea for Principal and Queen Fatima. This year their official holiday should take place in the Cayman Islands. Please don’t go to any Safari Park in Kenya. Enough of that please.

5. The media operation around the whole affair from the side of the couple came alive towards the end. That slow start can be excused only if the wedding was a surprise. This wedding was planned by Principal and Queen. We warn them to always consider how they engage the people through the media on such matters. There would have been very few questions about this affair had they engaged early enough, whether it’s a private affair or not.


This Lazarus artificial turf project in Kenema has Principal’s government to bless because it was never going to rise from its grave at Queen Elizabeth II quay. For more than a year the SLFA struggled to clear the material from the port so that by the time Principal’s miracle struck demurrage was running into more than a hundred million Leones.

With the coming SLFA elective congress, Queen and her handful of supporters in VERY STRANGE places really tried their best to make this commissioning of the project in Kenema a huge political football. They really tried their best but we warn them that what they did has been totally counter-productive. Here’s why?

1. We are working on the Queen statement and that of her Secretary General at that occasion because we want to puncture some hypocrisy using their own words. The same people who ran off to FIFA on being indicted by King Messi’s ACC crying political interference and bringing that disgraceful ban on Sierra Leone are the ones who made all those statements a few days ago. Give us a few days guys.

2.  The refusal by King Messi to facilitate that artificial turf project was a key part of his effort to collectively punish the people of Kenema for their unwavering support for the then opposition. When completed, Kenema will come up to the level of Kono and Makeni. So what’s all this fuss about? Perhaps Kenema has the worst roads for any district headquarter town.

3. After SIX ILLEGAL years in office, this relentless search for photo-opportunities with the great and good will end in defeat in Makeni in just FIVE WEEKS. All the shameless chameleonic plotting by people pretending to be here while they are actually there will be dumped at Kingtom Bridge and Sierra Leone Football with breathe some fresh air for the first time in all these years.


Good Morning Kotor Wurie. As the man in charge of the health of the nation we have a few issues to put on your table for consideration in the light of the COVID 19 rampage across the world. It’s very scary. What started as a local worry in one province of China is now threatening to tear our world apart. More than two thousand people have died, stock markets are plunging, political careers are on line – the world is on edge.

The first point for Kotor Wurie is a question: why is it that almost all those we have spoken to in different parts of the country believe we are sitting ducks waiting to be attacked by this dangerous virus and that they have little confidence in official assurances that adequate preparations are in place right now? Does Kotor Wurie understand this at all?

Let’s say the nation is traumatized by the experience of the Ebola attack in 2014 and the killing of those FOUR THOUSAND or more Sierra Leoneans. That’s why it’s the responsibility of the man running the health ministry to take all steps necessary to prepare and assure the nation that in the event COVID 19 lands here, we will be able to contain and defeat it. In this business it’s not enough to say we have the ammunition to fight, those of us who will be called upon to join the struggle should be told what we have and why we should believe COVID 19 will be defeated.

Where are the isolation units? What about community mobilization which proved so decisive in the defeat of Ebola? Will the media be involved in any way this time? Have we asked the usual international people for help? Talk to the people Kotor Alpha talk.


YWCA is an old organization that goes about its business in a quiet way, never making it to newspapers headlines even for the many good things they do in the area of education and skills training. We’ve brought them here today to encourage them to do something quickly about the fence around their property near the swimming pool gate of the stadium.

Our concern is that they concentrate all their effort inside their compound completely ignoring what happens outside. This is an extreme example of people being too quiet and minding their own business.

On our way to and from the stadium at least FIVE days a week, we see MEN pouring liters and liters of urine on the full length of the wall from the main entrance to the old hall to the other gate facing the swimming pool entrance to the stadium. Are those who work in that place telling they can’t get the toxic smell? Right now two rotten vehicles are parked on that wall. They have been there for the longest time.

We don’t like saying this but we should never be surprised to wake up one morning to find that section of the fence in total ruins.

There is a public toilet just a few yards away but the shameless MEN involved in this practice prefer to pour it on the YWCA wall. The dignity of all Sierra Leonean is very badly offended by such behavior. Act Now YWCA. Start by asking Freetown City Council to tow those rotten vehicles away and then take steps to make it impossible for MEN to discharge their waste water on your wall forever. 

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