
UNIMAK Marks a Unique Mark

Juliana looks excited. For very good reasons too. As she talks to me she almost sheds tears of joy. Abubakarr is overwhelmed. He has to be. After all they two of them have just graduated from the University of Makeni, the first private university in Sierra Leone. But even more important is that UNIMAK, as it is know by its acronym, is the first university in the northern Sierra Leone. A region that lags behind the rest of the country in more ways than one.

In defence of the Police

Francis Munu is probably the best educated or at the very least the most intelligent Sierra Leonean Inspector General of Police since Joseph Stanley's brief stay at the helm. The latter was not allowed to exhibit his brilliance thanks to the frustration he was subjected to by James Bambay Kamara who is without doubt the worst police boss this country has had since independence not least because of his despicable human rights record that makes Pol Pot's forces in Cambodia look like human rights campaigners if not activists.

Peeping into the SLPP

You have a lot of reading to do on politics – especially political strategy and fund-raising – if you have not read from Joe Garecht the Philadelphia-based entrepreneur and big thinker. And in Sierra Leone where the culture of reading is in a state of coma, I bet there are very few people running or intending to run for public office this year who have read any book or periodical recently about anything at all. Never mind about politics.

